Freeing energy with non-ordinary sensation

“Freeing energy with non-ordinary sensation” is a 10 minute video about the Vajrayana system Dzogchen Long-dé. Long-dé centers the experience of sensations in vivid, open awareness. The video includes a discussion of how practices from different yanas (Buddhist systems) understand the physical sensations of “energy” differently.

Long-dé includes unusual movements that produce these sensations. I teach them to the Evolving Ground community, online and in person. I guide participants through a series of movement forms and standing meditations, explaining what we’re doing as we do it: the function of the practices and how they fit into the overall framework.

If this sounds intriguing, you can book a spot.

Freeing energy with non-ordinary sensation.

This video excerpts my teaching from a regular online monthly gathering, eG Practices, for Evolving Ground members.

Here is a glossary for the Tibetan terminology in the video:

Buddhist systems that transform energy from unpleasant and counterproductive forms into enjoyable and useful ones, through recognizing the inseparability of their empty and patterned aspects.
Recognizing liberated awareness in every phenomenon as it arises. Dzogchen is less reliant on specific methods than tantra, and conceptually simpler.
tsa lung
A broad term for the “energy” experienced in bodily sensations. “Tsa” literally means “channels” through which energy is considered to flow. “Lung” is literally “wind”; it’s the flowing energy itself.
central channel
In tantra, the main energetic conduit, which runs through the center of the body from the crown of the head along the length of the spine and through the perineum.
A tantric tsa lung practice that generates intense sensations with raised body temperature.
The branch of Dzogchen emphasizing non-conceptual experience of energy in the vast open space of awareness.
A series of physical exercises that induce the long-dé experience. Literally translated, “the sky cycle”; the Sky Realm Series.