I discuss Dzogchen view and practice in three episodes for the Do Explain podcast:

In my first podcast with Christofer I talk about my early awakening experience, the importance of view in meditation, differences between Tantra and Dzogchen, experiential sameness, renunciation vs. engagement, self-love, no-self, the “should” of being more mindful, the possibility of stabilizing Rigpa, the Evolving Ground community of contemporary Vajrayana practice, Ultraspeaking, silence as a superpower, and other topics.
Listen to a few short excerpts and see a timeline here

In this episode, we discuss an esoteric practice, “pointing out instructions” peculiar to Vajrayana. Our conversation covers different types of non-duality, spontaneity, spacious presence, Rigpa, emptiness and form, what pointing out instructions are and how they changed over centuries, the Evolving Ground community of contemporary Vajrayana practice, and other topics.
Read more here

In my third conversation with Christofer we discuss a page Relating as beneficent space that I co-wrote with my spouse David Chapman We talk about fixed patterns in interaction, the differences between psychological and Vajrayana perspectives, Rigpa, accurate response, extraception, basic okayness, and other topics. Ten minutes towards the end of our conversation I guide Christofer through a practice, Liberating Perception; one of the methods I created for my course, Taking Vajrayana into Every Relationship.
Read more here