The Evolving Ground Community
Evolving Ground is a community of contemporary Vajrayana practice. The pages in this section of Vajrayana Now give some insight into what is happening in the community, some of its projects, and its overall vibe.
We meet virtually and in-person. Our online gatherings and spaces are available to members and we have an active Happy Yogis Discord server, an online discussion forum with conversations covering many facets of Vajrayana.
We support community members to find their own path, discovering methods that are a good personal fit. No single individual in eG is following the same, prescribed course as another. We have support groups, practice labs, and resources to help with our foundational meditation practice, opening awareness. Having laid the foundations for our community structures and roles we are now introducing Buddhist Tantric methods on in-person retreats.
Practice in Evolving Ground is pragmatic. Yogic methods integrate uncommon spiritual experiences into everyday life so that we can feel, relate, and behave in better ways. We find meaning, purpose, and enjoyment through functional participation in everyday circumstances, not from an ultimate metaphysical goal.
We offer a free, online, monthly, unrecorded practice Q&A on the first Sunday of each month. The group is for meditators with any sort of background and experience who want to explore Vajrayana. You can read more about it and other recurring gatherings here.
The Evolving Ground Foundational series is linked in the video and audio section of this site.
We encourage friendly curiosity, rational disagreement, sensitive honesty, and intelligent inquiry. We discourage people-pleasing, moral righteousness, and vacuous spiritual blather.
Head over to the Evolving Ground website to find out more about what’s going on, or join Evolving Ground here.