The Mind Illuminated, a journal: days 14 to 16

The Mind Illuminated, Stage 7, p. 277
The Mind Illuminated, Stage 7, p. 277

These are reflective notes on my experience of practicing Culadasa’s 10 stage meditation system. The notes in this post are from three consecutive days of practice in the system, a fortnight in. For an introduction to this project, see this page. Occasionally I will post-edit the journal. Any post-editing is [in square brackets like this].

Day 14

30 mins sit:

Spent the day hiking in the mountains. I had long periods of resting in a peaceful, thought free, very calm state of mind while walking, enjoying the expansive view, flowers & rocks, particularly the animals & birds. Everything seemed kind of ‘soft’ and still. It started raining toward the end of the day. Enjoyed the sensation of cold wind on my skin and getting soaked with blood and mud dripping down my legs from getting scraped up by the terrain.

Second sit, 1 hour:

Day 15

1 hr sit:

Second sit, 1 hour:

Day 16

1 hr sit:

Second sit, 30 mins: